Other Ventures - Fine Affair
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If you love Pancakes then you simply can’t go past The Pancake Train.

Every Saturday and Sunday we open the café up to the world, just for the pleasure of our Custard Whipped Pancakes. They cannot be rivalled. They cannot be compared. They truly are an entity of their own. We have created a unique menu which will make you question how you eat your Pancakes. Less is more and more is an absolute understatement.

Drop by and enjoy a truly amazing indulgence because no-one does Pancakes like us!


If you’ve ever had us cater one of your events, then you’d be aware of the two most important parts to our business – Our super keen desire to please and our incredible attention to detail. We believe that these two traits alone are why we are still here after 23 years. We’ve taken these two passions and injected them into a cosy little café we like to call the home of Fine Affair.

It’s here where we prepare all of our catering, serve the most beautiful coffee and get to know all of you.

Address: 878 Springvale Rd, Braeside VIC 3195